1 |
1 |
ORIENTATION Course Logistics: breaks; schedule etc. Course Overview: review syllabus, assignment , quizzes, recitation NCLEX Test plan and format; How to study; Test taking strategies Pretest 75 items  |
8 |
2&3 |
FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING Provision of Safe Environment(Fire; Fall Prevention; Nosocomial & Standard Precautions; Transmission Based Precautions) Â |
8 |
4 |
8 |
 2 |
5 1 &2 |
FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING Positioning clients; Care clients with a tube  |
8 |
 2,3 4 |
FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING Peri-operative Care; Legal and Ethical issues  |
8 |
3 |
 1  2 |
FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING Leadership, delegating & Prioritizing Care; Legal and Ethical issues  |
8 |
  4 |
 3 4 5 1,2, 3 |
NURSING SCIENCES Fluids & Electrolytes Endocrine Disturbances  |
8 |
 5 |
 1 |
NURSING SCIENCES Acid Base Balance  |
8 |
 1 |
NURSING SCIENCES Laboratory Values & its implications  |
8 |
 2, |
NURSING SCIENCES day 2,3 of Lab Values & its implications  |
8 |
 4 |
NURSING SCIENCES Nutrition Part 1 Â |
8 |
6 |
1 |
Nutrition Part 2 |
8 |
2,3 |
TPN: Blood Administration |
4,5 |
RESPIRATORY DISORDERS Nursing Relevant Anatomy & Physiology of Respiratory System; Assessment; Procedures  |
8 |
 7 |
 1 |
RESPIRATORY DISORDERS Care of client with Respiratory Disorders; Medications  |
8 |
 2 |
RESPIRATORY DISORDERS Care of client with Respiratory Disorders; Medications Post Test  |
8 |
3&4 |
CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS Nursing Relevant Anatomy & Physiology, Assessment; Procedures; Care of client with Cardiovascular Disorders, treatment and medications  |
8 |
  8 |
  1,2 |
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Care of client with Cardiovascular Disorders, treatment and medications Post Test  |
8 |
 3,4    5 |
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Nursing relevant Anatomy & Physiology of the Endocrine System Assessment Procedures Care of client with Endocrine Disorders, treatment & Medications  |
8 |
9 |
1,2 |
ENDOCRINE DISORDERS Care of client with Endocrine Disorders, treatment & Medications Post Test  |
8 |
3 Â Â Â Â 4 |
GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS Nursing Relevant Anatomy & Physiology of the Gastrointestinal System Assessment Procedures Care of client with Gastrointestinal Disorders, treatment & Medications  |
8 |
 10 |
 1 |
GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS Care of client with Gastrointestinal Disorders, treatment, medications Post Test  |
8 |
 2  3  |
RENAL DISORDERS Nursing relevant Anatomy & Physiology of the Renal System Assessment Procedures Care of client with Renal Disorders, treatment & Medications  |
8 |
4 |
RENAL DISORDERS Care of client with Renal Disorders, treatment & Medications Post Test  |
8 |
5 |
NEUROLOGICAL SYSTEM Nursing relevant Anatomy & Physiology of the Neurological System  |
8 |
11 |
1,2,3 |
NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS Care of client with Neurological Disorders, treatment & Medications Post Test  |
8 |
  4    |
MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS Nursing relevant Anatomy & Physiology of the Musculoskeletal System Assessment Procedures Care of client with Musculoskeletal Disorders, treatment & Medications  |
8 |
Week 12 |
1&2 |
Musculoskeletal system Care of client with Musculoskeletal Disorders, treatment & Medications Post Test  |
8 |
  3  4  5 |
Burns, EENT, Skin disorders Nursing Care of Client with Burns, Treatment & Medications Nursing Relevant Anatomy & Physiology of EENT Care of Client with Eye Ear Nose Throat disorders, treatment and medications Care of client with Skins Disorders, treatment & Medications  |
8 |
   Week 13 |
  1 2 |
ELDERLY, ONCOLOGY Assessment, Care of the Elderly Client Care of Client with Oncological Disorders Treatment & Medications  |
8 |
3 4 |
PEDIATRIC NURSING Growth & Developmental Stages Care of Child with Integumentary Disorders , Infectious and Communicable Diseases, AIDS, Oncological Disorders, treatment and medications  |
8 |
  5 |
PEDIATRIC NURSING Care of Child with Hematological, Neurological, Cognitive, Psychosocial, EENT Disorders, treatment & medications  |
8 |
Week 14 |
1&2 |
PEDIATRIC NURSING Care of Child with Respiratory, Cardiovascular, treatment and Medications  |
8 |
3&4 |
PEDIATRIC NURSING Care of child with Gastrointestinal, Metabolic, Renal Musculoskeletal treatment and Medications Post Test  |
8 |
5 |
MATERNITY NURSING Care of Newborn Nursing Relevant Post Test on Care of Newborn Anatomy & Physiology Of Female Reproductive System  |
8 |
Week 15 |
1 |
MATERNITY NURSING Obstetrical Assessment Prenatal Period  |
8 |
2 |
MATERNITY NURSING Risk Conditions Related to Pregnancy, Medications  |
8 |
3 |
MATERNITY NURSING Normal Labor & Delivery Process, Problems with Labor & Delivery Process, Medications  |
8 |
4 |
MATERNITY NURSING Client Care in the Postpartum Period, Medications  |
8 |
5 |
MATERNITY NURSING Postpartum Complications Post Test  |
8 |
week 16 |
1 |
MENTAL HEALTH & PSYCHIATRIC NURSING Mental Health concepts, rights of Mentally Ill clients; Models of Care  |
8 |
2 |
MENTAL HEALTH & PSYCHIATRIC NURSING Care of Client with Eating disorders, Substance Abuse disorder  |
8 |
3, 4, 5 |
MENTAL HEALTH & PSYCHIATRIC NURSING Mental Health Disorders Treatment & Medications  |
8 |
Week 17 Â Â Â Â Week 18-20 |
 1 & 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 |
MENTAL HEALTH & PSYCHIATRIC NURSING Care of clients experiencing Crisis and Depression Delegation ABG analysis Psych integrated Test 1 &2 Advance Class, Integrated Advanced Class, Integrated Advanced Class, Integrated Advance Class, Integrated Advanced Class, Integrated  |
8 |